Saturday, March 26, 2011

Marie-Anne's dream jobs...

When I was a child, I wanted to become a hairdresser and then I even dreamt of becoming a stewardess for a couple of years…

Nowadays, I have three dream jobs: English teacher, speech therapist, and journalist.

To be a good teacher you have to be really good at your subject and patient with the pupils.

To heal people with a speech disorder you also have to be patient. I did a week’s internship when I was sixteen in an institute where I assisted a speech therapist and I loved this type of work. However, I’m a little apprehensive about the science-based studies one has to follow in order to become a speech therapist...

Either teacher or speech therapist would please me because they involve helping others, in particular children and also because it involves communication. Indeed, I would love to be able to help others because I think we should all have an aim in life and mine is to help others.

To be a good journalist you must get on with people, but you also need good communication skills and, of course, writing skills. The first goal for a journalist is to gather information about an event and to communicate clearly this information. What is interesting in being a journalist is that you can work in radio, television, or for a newspaper.

The media is known as ‘the fourth power’… that’s why I think it could be interesting to have a job which is so important (in which one has – potentially – so much power)…

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