Definition: noun, an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm. (Source: Oxford English Dictionary)
Unless you’re a robot, fear is an emotion that you have already felt: racing heartbeat, adrenalin rushing through your body... What was the cause: someone or something? It doesn’t matter, because at that very moment the only thing you want to do is run or hide. Why? Why do we feel this really unpleasant emotion? Can’t we just face what we are afraid of? The thing is, we do. We have to. But we also need this fear to carry on in life. It’s what makes us human, no?
Without fear we would put ourselves in danger. Of course, sometimes, what we are afraid of seems stupid to others. But what can we do about it? What even causes it? Why is someone afraid of spiders whilst someone else breeds them!? We are afraid generally because of a trauma, a shock that we have been through, something we have seen and that our brain registered as danger.
You can locate fear in a part of the brain (in the medial temporal lobes) that scientists call the ‘amygdala’. It generates a physical reaction if what we see, hear or feel seems threatening. It sends adrenaline through our body which helps us run, for example. Some sick people, who have dysfunctional amygdalae, don’t feel any emotions or at least are not able to express them. But most people do, and in those moments our body shows multiple signs: shaking, increased heart rate, eyes wide open, shortness of breath, and even paralysis! We become "scared stiff"!
Fear can be divided into two types:
The one which provokes an unpleasant chill which psychologists call phobia. The best known phobia are:
Claustrophobia (the fear of having no escape and being closed in);
Arachnophobia (the fear of spiders and arachnids, such as scorpions);
Acrophobia (the fear of heights);
Thanatophobia (the fear of death).
Most fears can be overcome. Someone who can fight his fear(s) gains courage. It takes time and experience, that’s why most adults are more “fearless” than kids or teens. The most dangerous fears are those who can lead to violent reactions (suicide, murder…). Most of the violence in the world is caused by fear of the unknown. Some people can even be scared of themselves. Paranoia leads people to imagine scenarios where they believe they are being spied on. Fear is always present in situations of insecurity. Some religious groups, sects or political groups use it to take control of people. Some influent people can exploit the fears of the people via the media in order to control thought and behavior.
There are also the ‘pleasant’ fears. Indeed, in a situation of safety and when the person wants it, fear turns into thrills! In amusement parks or in extreme sports, the rush of adrenalin becomes enjoyable. It explains the interest that people, mostly young, have for roller coasters, surfing, parachute or bungee jumping, etc.
There are also the fears linked to unexpected surprises: the presence of somebody behind our backs or a door slamming can lead to a muscular contraction, a jump or even a scream.
To conclude, we can say that fear is a necessary emotion for our safety but it can also lead to dangerous acts if it is too strong; fragile people can even be at risk because of it.
What are YOUR fears? Have you ever been really frightened? Send your stories of what makes YOU afraid to this blog!
Article by Lisa Desjobert
I'm personnaly afraid of pigs ! Don't you see their vicious eyes and do you know they eat everything ! EVERYTHING !! Like human beings for example ! And they don't even care ! Those animals are devil !! (I saw a very interesting and serious documentary named The X-Files where pigs were eating people and THAT, my friend, is AWFULL !!!!!)
hhahaha, Pigs are animals they don't make the difference between an human being and another meal that could be given to them, if you've seen that they were eating human, why were they doing that if it is real ? you think that they have kill humans by themselves, don't you think that another human give them this kind of food. Who is the most horrible, Human or Pigs ?
Your fear is very strange to me, but you are the one who can understand he, you imagined it.
My fear is NOT strange ! But you're kind of right when you say that Humans give them their food ! But I can't be afraid of human beings... Just of sociopaths ! :) But tell me your fear(s) because maybe your is/are even more strange !!
When I was near of the "space", I am afraid that somebody pushes me...
When I was near the space, I'm afraid that somebody pushes me... but I don't know why!
My biggest fear is to express myself in public, I'm really shy and when I have to talk in front of a group it's very difficult for me, but I try to do something about that and take each chance I have to talk with many people.
Do you find it strange ?
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