Sunday, May 1, 2011

You have no messages...

The Diary of Bridget Jones sold 860 000 copies and The Age of Reason 500 000. This is a literary phenomenon. But why do we like Bridget Jones so much?

Bridget Jones is a heroine for today's young women. She’s unmarried, thirty years old, on a diet... She’s just like most of the book’s readers. What makes her unusual is that she is seriously looking for her prince charming. She is also somewhat disconnected from reality, and she has a great sense of irony. She’s a very likeable character.

I think that girls today are still looking for true love, but they also want to maintain their independence. It is not shameful to be celibate, and, anyway, all good things come to those who knows how to wait! Sometimes, the ideal man is simply standing next to you. And, as the book shows, friendship is so important and we should learn just to have fun. We can be single without being complete losers, and learn to look on the bright side of life.

Article by Camille L.

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