Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tarte Tati à la crème on Friday 19th November in the Foyer Euro at 12:30!

« Mon métier n'est pas d'être critique en architecture. Je suis là pour essayer de défendre l'individu et la personnalité, qu'on respecte les gens [...]. Dans Playtime, je défends les petits personnages. »

Tati is considered one of the greatest French filmmakers and his Playtime (1967) a masterpiece.

Playtime is both slapstick funny and nightmarishly frightening; it is about a how the individual is in danger of losing his humanity in the conformist labyrinth of the modern globalized world.

Tati conceived his film like a ballet.

Julie Botet, who is a student at the La Manufacture dance school, would like to create a choreography inspired by Playtime.

Julie needs volunteers to take part in her choreography; you do not need to be a dancer to take part, just to have a lot of energy and to be willing to attend regularly the rehearsals.

If you would like to take part, come to the presentation of the project on Friday!

Lisa will tell us about Tati and his era, Marylou about his films, Julie will present Playtime and show extracts of the film.

Julie will then describe her choreography and detail the practical aspects for those who would like to take part (rehearsals, date of the show, etc.).

See you there!

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