Do you think you will pass your exams!?
I’m very optimistic this year, maybe too much so, but I’ll say, yes, I think I’ll pass my exams. I have had great marks, so I don’t think I’m going to have problem.
What job are you hoping for?
I would like to become an air steward, because I really love travelling; this is my goal in life.
When are you getting married?
Ha-ha! I have a girl friend whom I love very much, but I’m not going to marry her now, and maybe not in the future, but you never know what’s going to happen in life…
When will you get divorced!?
If you really love somebody and you want to be with this person, you won’t divorce, because if there is a conflict you know what to do, you can always find a solution, if you are intelligent enough. I want to add, when you get married, you promise your wife that you will love her during the rest of your life, so… It’s stupid to get married if you think that you’re likely to get divorced!
How many children will you have?
For the moment I don’t really know because my life is unpredictable. I’m a free man, who goes where he wants to, whenever he wants to. But if I have children, I would like to have more than two.
What will your kids' names be?
The name I love is “Oceane”, I think it's because I really love the sea but this name sounds good.
Will you have family pets?
Fish are my hobby. I'm going to have a huge aquarium in my family home.
Do you want to stay all your life in Aurillac?
Why do you think I'm learning English, to stay stuck in Aurillac?! I definitely won't stay here. I want to discover the world!
Which countries would you like to visit?
The first country I want to visit is New Caledonia, a little island near Australia where my uncle lived as a child. But I would like to visit a lot of countries, they all interest me. I particularly appreciate the culture of Asian countries.
Will you still be listening to the same music groups in ten years’ time?
Of course not, I'm open-minded and I know that my musical tastes will change.
Will you still be singing happy songs under the shower!?
I don't sing under the shower! The only moment I try to sing is when I'm driving and I’ve been told it's really horrible…
What is your aim in life?
My aim is to find happiness in what I do.
What is so good about being French?
A French man can have a lot of success because in many countries the girls think we are romantic. It's true for me, but not for most French guys!
What is your favourite meal?
My grandmother’s meals are the best.
If you won a million Euros, what would you do with it?
Of course, at the beginning, I would test what it is like to be rich, to be able to get what I want, when I want it, but only for a short while. I love wildlife, and if I won a million, I would do something to try to save Nature.
If you were Minister for Education, what would you do to improve things?
If I were Minister for Education, I would change our system, though I don't know how. It's not working well in France, don't you think? You told me that in Germany it was better…
What makes you angry/happy?
Human behavior… We can be so stupid, it's really sad. We say that humans are the most intelligent creatures on earth but I don't think so, I think we are maybe the most stupid.
I'm happy all the time! No, that’s not true. I'll think about it, it's a good question…
What do you friends say about you?
What do my friends say about me? The question could be “do you have friends!?” I don't really know if I have real friends. I know a lot of people, and a few of them I consider as friends, but would they be there for me if I had a really big problem? If I have an accident, say? I don't know. In fact, I don't really know what they truly think about me, I've never asked them!
What are the places a German pupil like me should visit during her stay in Aurillac?
Go to our beautiful swimming pool, go for a walk in the forest around Aurillac, go skiing in the mountains, go to the theatre, go to see a dance show...
How would you like to be remembered after your death?
As someone who was considerate of others.
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