Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's monumental! GEC goes to town again!

Friday 5th March
GEC picnic in town!

At Gilles Sellier's
sculpture workshop,
Rue de Boudieu
Pour trouver le lieu de rendez-vous, cliquez sur ce lien:,+15000+Aurillac&geocode=FbNbrQIdqyklACmxdU3UxlWtEjEwbt3ssDwJHQ%3BFQg_rQIdUOwkACl3nFpmLVStEjHvQc7Qy-eTeQ&hl=fr&mra=cc&dirflg=w&sll=44.909204,2.430382&sspn=0.027658,0.054846&ie=UTF8&ll=44.906226,2.441025&spn=0.055319,0.109692&z=13
Meet up at the workshop at 12:30
We can eat, drink and be merry in situ (indoors)!
In front of your very eyes, Gilles will work on and try to explain his latest monumental sculpture...
Be there, or be boring!

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