Sunday, December 20, 2009

Life's NOT always a picnic!

The Friday picnics are off (cancelled) until further notice...
The Headmistress inspected the GEC Headquarters in the annex and she considers that the room is not kept sufficiently clean (the dustbin had not been emptied).
To eat food outside the cantine is not actually allowed and our picnics were tolerated on the condition that the room was kept impeccably clean. This has not apparently been the case.
We will perhaps be allowed to have weekly picnics again in the Spring, but in the garden in front of the GEC room.
We, the girls in Term, will still meet up every Friday in the GEC room, but from 12:30 until 13:30, mostly to work on texts and oral practice for our Bac Euro exam. You are very welcome to attend!

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