If you listen to the radio or watch TV, you must have heard about Pierre Bergé. He is head of 'Sidaction', a charity which fights against AIDS. He was the guest of France Info on saturday 21st of november, where he said : "I am one of the rare people who can be against the Telethon as I myself suffer from myopathy." That's how the businessman began his attack on the Telethon. He thinks it is "absolutely unacceptable that the organisation shows children suffering from myopathy, parading their misfortune".
As Pierre Bergé is an influential person and supporter of Ségolène Royal, his words have turned into a controversy.
I think that he is right because Telethon has become such an phenomenon that it monopolizes charity-giving in France. Other charities do not get a look in (they, including Sidaction, raise much less than Telethon). However, he should not have said it the way he did... it wasn't very diplomatic!

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