Saturday, November 7, 2009

Facebrag backfires! (or Swann song)

Kimberley Swann, a 16-year-old girl worked at Ivell Marketing & Logistics, in Clacton (UK).
One day, after work, she put a comment on Facebook saying her job was boring. Unfortunately, she had allowed some of her colleagues to access her Facebook pages and her employers heard about her negative comment. As a consequence, she was fired, accused of disrespect. Ivell ("Evil"?!) Marketing said they wished that its staff work in harmony, that’s why they took this decision. Kimberley added that she had not been given the chance to explain and that she had been treated totally unfairly.

So, BE CAREFUL and don’t say that your Lycée is boring on Facebook or you will be fired from this fabulous place! In my opinion, this event reveals a real issue on the freedom of speech. I don’t think this girl deserved to be fired. Moreover she was young and should have been excused and given a second chance. Ivell Marketing has abused its power and should not have been allowed to make such a decision.

What do you think? Comments please!

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