Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

We're back from Prague!

We had a fabulous time thanks to our Czech friends... 


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here are the ideas for this year's Arts project on the theme of secret gardens!

The secret garden of the Hôtel de Cébié, Rue de Vermenouze : creation of a garden as an exhibition and performance space.

Garden secrets... : interviews of the gardeners of the Jardins de l'ACART, Promenade de Vorona, Aurillac. Plus photos and illustrations. Also : creation of a friendship garden by a team of Czech and French pupils in less than 12 hours (in April).

Nos petits jardins/our miniature gardens : the children of the Saint-Eugène primary school will be creating gardens in wooden boxes (50cmX50cm) and writing a blog (shared with a British school) in French and English to describe their work over the year.

La vie de Vermenouze : the life, times and poetry of Arsène Vermenouze: visit of Ytrac (house of his birth, poetry walk) ; words, folk dance and music in the Parc Vermenouze (Aurillac), talk on the history of the park, cell phone photo competition.

Walk & talk in Aurillac : day-long visit of the town on the theme of gardens, landscapes, and labyrinths, starts at Puy Courny, goes to the Musée d'Art & d'Archéologie de la Ville d'Aurillac, then Saint-Géraud Abbey church and gardens, the "Jardin du Monde" between Bvd d'Aurinques et Rue de la Coste, the gardens and dungeon of Saint-Etienne castle, and the Musée des Volcans. The guided tour includes activities, readings and film extracts.

Secret garden of Erik Satie : filmed choreography inspired by the music of Eric Satie (music played by the Lycée orchestra), reading of his poems, an art installation evoking his inner life (created by Saint-Géraud artists). The film of the dance will be made by Option ciné pupils at the Hôtel de Cébié.

Walk to Saint-Simon : along the « route verte », including a visit of the jardins familiaux, visit of the church, and story of the Sully tree.

Vallée de la Jordanne : poetry recitals, extracts from plays, etc. on the theme of Nature at the wooden bridges along the walk.

Cycle ride to Puy Mary : day trip to Puy Mary, includes a talk on the Cantal volcano.

"Green your classroom" competition : each class in Saint-Eugène Lycée will enter the competition to decorate with plants their classrooms. Weekly quotes, poems, commented pictures, etc. will be put up in the classrooms.

Secret gardens of Aurillac (photos) : photography project on the interior courtyards and backyards of Aurillac that have been made into small hidden gardens (exhibition at the Hôtel de Cébié).

Le verger de Déduit : visit of the gardens in Anglards-de-Salers (Château de la Trémolière) in April (visit by the gardener, talk on Medieval gardens given by Première pupils, reading of extracts from Le Roman de la Rose and recital of courtly love poetry, concert of Medieval music, Medieval picnic in Medieval costume...).

Monday, October 17, 2011

Barbora's photo project: the secret gardens of Aurillac!

If you have a hidden garden,
or you know someone who has one,
please contact Barbora so that she can come
and take pictures of it for her project!
Thank you!

The dying of the light... Send us your photos of Autumn colours!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Tuesday chat 18/10/11: Prague... NOT the tourist version!

Mirek & Tereza
will chat about growing up in Prague,
and about stuff to see and do there
if you're young (at heart)!
See you at 12:30
in the Foyer euro!

Green & free!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Proud to be different! GO to the 'JDH', it is really interesting!

CONCERT by the world famous Orchestre d'Auvergne!

Friday 14th October at 20:30


Why should I go?
Because it is one of the best chamber orchestras in Europe, with an amazing solo violinist, and to try something different maybe!

OK, any details?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Friday 14th October
at 18:00
in Saint-Eugène
music room

Teufonia is the choir of the Ensemble Scolaire Gerbert... The lycée pupils and adults rehearse every Friday during term time from 18:30 to about 20:30 (with a picnic break at 19:30). If you are a good singer, come to the auditions! Mr Cadoret, the choir master, will answer all your questions about repertoire, etc.

Who wants to go and see Mickey (3D)?!

Saturday 22 October at 20:30
How do I get there?
By coach
How much does it cost?
Only 10€ (including transport)!
Who can take me there and back?
Mr 'TG' Roux (Maths teacher)
How do I reserve my place?
Call 06 75 77 97 25
by Wednesday 12th at 12 o'clock!
What time do we get back to Aurillacity?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Visit of the Verger de Déduit in Anglards-de-Salers with Mirek, Barbora and Téréza, 28th September 2011

Let's go to see a play!

Patraque Théatre perform
Le Jardin 
by Brigitte Buc...

What's it about?
Tout au long d'une année, saison après saison, cinq personnages se croisent dans un square parisien. Ce petit jardin si ordinaire va devenir leur trait d'union, leur lieu commun... Suzanne, vieille dame sans famille, se nourrit de l'affection qu'elle porte à son entourage tandis que Jeanne, mère célibataire caractérielle, se mure dans l'agressivité. Antoine vient d'emménager dans le quartier. Philippe, quant à lui, est un golden boy vaniteux et infidèle. Et Violette, la jeune étudiante venue de province, peine à trouver sa place dans la capitale. Tous vont pourtant se bricoler une drôle de vie de famille, d'amour et d'amitié...
Saturday 8th October at 20:30
Salle de la Cave, Rue de la Coste, AURILLAC
Need more info? 
Call 04 71 64 20 16
Is it free?

GEC weekly meetings... DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES! All meetings start at 12:30 and finish at 13:15. They take place in the Foyer Euro

Tuesday 4 October: the Management Committee will discuss forthcoming activities (all members are welcome to attend!).

Tuesday 11 October: presentation by Barbora on photography in the Czech Republic.
Tuesday 18 October: Tereza & Mirek will talk about growing up in Prague and give a quick concert!

GEC weekly meetings!

In 2011-12
the GEC  will hold its
in the Foyer Euro
(third floor of Saint-Eugène)
from 12:30 to about 13:15.
There will be coffee, cookies & conversation,
and the occasional conference or concert!

If YOU have a suggestion for an activity
(game, debate, etc.)
do not hesitate to let the members of the
Management Committee know!

Keep up with GEC news
on the GerbertEuroClub blog: